HOw To Deal With Rejection and Heartaches
Friday, June 30, 2006
Rejection, Fear, And Dating
Life Coach Advice
Single again? As we travel through life, we often end up single. There are many reasons why. It could be the result of meeting the wrong person, death, cheating, lies, divorce, location, goals, and more. Losing a relationship impacts us in many ways. It can be very painful, or it can be very refreshing, or anywhere in-between. No matter what the cause or the degree of pain, there is one truth we all share: We dont want to end up alone. We want to find companionship.
In order to get into a new relationship, we have to be willing to meet and go out with people. Its our own fear, however, that often gets in the way.
We fear getting rejected.
We fear having a bad time.
We fear getting hurt.
We fear having to reject someone else.
All these fears are valid yet easily overcome. If someone rejects you, it only means that that person feels you are not right for them. Believe me, there is someone else who would love to be with you. You have to accept rejection. It is only through trying do we get to the right person.
Many dates and relationships dont work out. You may look back and think of it as a bad time. It is all right to have a bad time. Only through bad dates do we get to the good dates. It is through our bad relationships that we have the opportunity to learn more about ourselves and what we want, to then approach relationships with more knowledge to succeed.
No one wants to get hurt but if we do not dare to fall in love and get hurt, we cannot be in love. Getting hurt is part of the process. We do get through it and the pain does go away. The best part is there is new love waiting for you.
You may also be fearful of rejecting someone. The truth is no one is obligated to stay with someone who isnt right for them. Rejection is part of the dating and relationship process.
Change how you look at rejection and see it as a favor. When you reject someone you are releasing him or her to go find someone who will truly appreciate that person. Look at it that way also when someone rejects you. After all, do you really want to be with someone who doesnt want you? Its better to be free to find someone who actually wants to be with you.
Can you predict the future? I cant. In fact, most of us dont think we can. Yet we continue to believe in self-limiting thoughts about the future. We believe so firmly in these thoughts we allow them to stop us from moving forward and realizing opportunities.
Instead of predicting pain, I can predict for you that if you embrace the dating process instead of watching life pass you by, you will have both good and bad times. I can also predict that these good and bad times will lead you to even better times.
Embrace the journey and release your fear.
About the author
About Tools To Life Developed by Life Coach Devlyn Steele, Tools To Life is a revolution in self- development, a 77-day program in which thousands have implemented successful changes in their lives. Devlyn Steele is a public consultant, a private counselor, a radio host and an author. He has hosted his own radio show, "Tools To Life" and has been a guest on over 150 various shows. For more information, visit:
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Thursday, June 29, 2006
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
Breaking Up, Separation, and Divorce Can Be Devastating But May Also Provide the Opportunity for Self-Examination and a New Beginning
There is nothing easy about ending a love relationship. Breaking up is seldom the ideal resolution to problems within relationships, but all too often is the outcome, despite our best efforts to prevent it. Over the past two or three decades, about half of all marriages have ended in divorce, and the statistics for cohabitation (or living together) are higher than this.
The person who was once your best friend and your companion for life, the one who knew you better than anyone else, has now in some ways become your enemy. You cannot believe that this has happened. How could that love have been destroyed? The breakup of a relationship is one of life's most emotionally painful experiences. The depth of pain depends on many factors how sensitive you are to the meaning of your life experiences, how much you have idealized the relationship, and how much you depended on your partner to make your life worthwhile.
A broken relationship shatters much that we have known and dreamed about. Our relationships, especially intimate relationships, help us define who we are. Our values, our views of the world, and how we define our most intimate feelings are all embodied within our love relationships. When our relationship comes to an end, our lives enter a chaotic period for which we may be unprepared. We suddenly find ourselves dealing with a host of emotions and thoughts - grieving, despair, anger, revenge and retaliation, hoping for a miracle, negotiating, feeling out of control, hoping for happiness again and not knowing how to get there, fear, and loneliness and little of it seems to make sense. (And where is your partner when you need him or her the most?)
Most of us have never acquired the tools to deal with a loss of this magnitude. When we entered the relationship, we put our energies into building a life with our partner. We put little effort into learning to be alone again. A breakup forces us to jump into an overwhelming, and often dreaded, world of new experiences.
It is comforting to learn that this time of craziness will come to a close. The sun will shine again. The pain of a breakup, if it is approached constructively, can propel people to confront personal issues and to discover who they are at this stage of life. Many people look back on the time following their breakup as the best time in their lives. It may be painful, but it is also a time when a person can feel fully alive and impelled to look within to determine their strengths, abilities, and challenges.
The ending of a love relationship follows a predictable set of experiences. It is helpful to recognize the feelings associated with each stage of a breakup and to know that these feelings are normal and expected. If you have difficulty in handling the negative feelings that accompany the phases of the process, it will probably be a challenge to cope effectively as you move toward the completion of the breakup. If you accept your painful feelings and explore why things are difficult, you become better able, as a more integrated person, to see your way to a happier resolution.
Let's look at a few of the predictable stages commonly experienced by those in the process of a breakup.
Denying the truth of the breakup actually helps us to postpone the pain, so denial certainly has a place in the process, at least initially. A problem occurs when we experience so much denial that we are unable to come to terms with the reality of the task before us. There comes a day when "this is not happening to me" is no longer an effective way of coping. Ending the denial stage involves a major shift in our thinking about ourselves, what our partner means to us, and where we must go from here.
Most people experiencing a breakup are forced to come to terms with a number of fears. What will people say? Whom can I trust to talk to? How can I handle my partner's anger toward me? How do I deal with my own anger? Am I a complete failure? How can I be a single parent? What about money? Can I do the banking and buy groceries and pay bills and fix the car? Can I handle my loneliness? Am I completely unlovable? Will I ever love anyone else again? Do I have the energy for this much change? When we are dominated by our fears and feel unable to do anything about them, we increase the likelihood that these will be the very areas where we experience trouble. The best way to handle fear is to confront it head on, with awareness, planning, and support and this takes courage.
The loneliness a person experiences at the time of a breakup may feel overwhelming. The finality of ending the relationship, uncertainty about the future, as well as the knowledge that your partner will no longer be there to comfort you or to spend time with you, all contribute to an empty feeling that seems as if it will not go away. While you were in the relationship, you defined yourself as being partnered and you felt that you always had someone there to share your experiences. And now you don't. The clue to dealing with this is to change loneliness to aloneness. Loneliness suggests a longing to be with another person. Aloneness can be a time to see who you are you have the opportunity to explore your independence and challenge yourself to do things on your own. It can be a valuable time of self-exploration and self-enhancement. Aloneness might not last long, or at least not long enough, so it can be seen as a valuable opportunity.
The breakup is a true test of just who your real friends are. It is important to draw on the emotional support of friends during this time. Unfortunately, many of your friends were those who knew you as a couple and they may have to choose between you. Those who try to stay neutral may find it difficult. Some may feel that your breakup somehow threatens their own relationships, and some friends may now find it difficult to relate to you as a single person. Not only that, but you may find it difficult to trust others during a breakup. Getting out, feeling free, trusting wisely, and opening up to others becomes a major goal of healthy adjustment.
It is normal, and indeed necessary, to experience a period of grieving over the end of the relationship. You may feel depressed for some time and experience changes in your energy levels, as well as your sleeping and appetite patterns. You may dwell on negative thoughts for a period of time and find it difficult to find pleasure in everyday events. If your negative thinking turns into self-destructive thoughts, you should find a professional therapist who can help you. As unpleasant as this period of grieving may feel, comfort yourself with the knowledge that this is most likely a temporary phase and it is how you are saying goodbye so that you can move on to a healthier and happier future.
People ending their relationships usually say that they never knew they could have so much anger. The rage seems overwhelming at times. Think about it you have just lost one of the most important things in your life and your partner may seem like your enemy. You have a lot to be angry about. Use this opportunity to look within explore your anger and find out how it helps and hurts you. One rule: don't engage in any behavior you will feel sorry about later on! Because it may be difficult to contain your anger at this time, your partner is not the appropriate target for your anger. Instead, process your anger by talking about it with a trusted friend or therapist. Anger is helpful in the sense that it helps us end the loyalty and trust we used to feel for our partner, and this allows us to move on.
Think of the ending of your relationship as a journey, which you take one step at a time. Some of these steps are challenging. Not only do we have to confront all of the stages listed above, but we must also deal with making the final break emotionally, understand what really went wrong, learn to feel comfortable with ourselves again, see ourselves as single people, make new friends, forge new purposes and goals, and learn again about trust and love. As painful as this journey may seem at first, it can lead to a life which is better and it can be much better.
Dumpers and Dumpees
A breakup seems easiest for couples who decide mutually to end the relationship. In most cases, however, as suggested by Bruce Fisher and Robert Alberti, in their book, Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends, a breakup involves a dumper, the party who takes the initiative to end the relationship, and a dumpee, the one who wants the relationship to continue. Sometimes, when one analyzes the nature of the relationship, it may be difficult to decide just who is the dumper and the dumpee. In general, however, the dumper is the one who says it is all over, and the dumpee is the one in shock who begs the other not to leave. Dumpees often say they were taken completely by surprise by their partner's announcement.
The breakup experience is often very different for each of the two parties. The dumper usually began preparing for the end well before the final announcement, and the actual parting often comes as a relief for the dumper. The primary emotion experienced by the dumper is guilt. The dumpee, on the other hand, is usually hit by surprise and with a great deal of pain. The turmoil of the breakup itself is usually much more intense for the dumpee, but it is this pain that can motivate more personal growth. The main task of the dumpee is to work through feelings of rejection. Both parties usually experience a great deal of pain as their relationship comes to an end, although the pain of guilt is different from the pain of rejection. For a healthy adjustment it is important to recognize which role has been assumed, dumper or dumpee, and to work on the issues appropriate to that role.
How Long Do I Wait Until I Get Into Another Relationship?
Expect that it will take at least a year before things begin to feel at all normal again. For most of us, depending on the length and the nature of our previous relationship, it will take two or three years. This may seem like an eternity, but in reality this is a wonderful and precious opportunity to find out who you are as an unattached individual. A word of warning is in order don't expect to involve yourself with someone else immediately! You are on the rebound. To attach yourself prematurely in a love relationship is unfair to you and to the other person. You must deal with important personal issues when your previous love relationship comes to an end. Living through the transition and exploring these issues can be painful and falling in love again may seem like the perfect way to end the pain. But if you attach yourself again too quickly, before you have a chance to explore the issues which led to your breakup and to start to feel comfortable again as a single and independent individual, the other person becomes a replacement object, and that is not what a healthy relationship is about. You will probably carry into this replacement relationship the same issues that helped to lead to the demise of your former relationship and similar events may very well happen again.
Your real goal is to discover who you are and to explore what happened. When you are at the point of being able to have a happy and fulfilled life as a single person, then you can choose when, or even if, you should involve yourself in another love relationship. When you know that you have that choice, you may be ready.
© 2006 Paul and Layne Cutright All rights reserved. You may publish this article in its entirety and with the authors resource information intact.
About The Author
Paul and Layne Cutright are relationship coaches and teachers who have been offering secrets and strategies for successful relationships at home and in business since 1976. They are authors of the best selling book, You;re Never Upset for the Reason You Think Secrets and Strategies for Resolving Any Upset Quickly and Easily.
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10 Tips To Get Over Your Ex As Quickly As Possible
Getting over your ex is something that most of us have to do at some point in our life. Some people more than others. When the ex means a divorce in involved then the break up is all the more harder.
It is said that time is a great healer and that is true, but also taking action is vital. Just what action should you take?
Here is some practical advice to deal with life after a break up, relationship break down or divorce.
1. Make a clean break. As tempting as it can be, if you are still in love with your EX, and they don't reciprocate the feelings and intensity, then you're better off making a clean break. This is true every time. Ex lover rarely make good friends after a break up.
2. Delete all telephone numbers, email address and the like that contain your ex's details. Keeping temptation at bay is vital.
3. Clear out as many personal items as you can. Obviously keeping practical stuff is important, but, if you're using your ex's left behind items to remember them, then that's no good. Clear them out as soon as possible.
4. Treat yourself. Make sure you get used to enjoying yourself without your ex partner. Prove to yourself, your ex and others that you can smile again in spite of the circumstances. A divorce doesn't mean you can't laugh a lot.
5. Let your frustrations, anger and bitterness come out. Write down your feeling or get some counselling. Even if it's just a friend who will listen to you for a while. Blow off steam it's natural.
6. Cleanse your current situation by buying new things for the house. New bedding and kitchen utensils are something you use every day. Get new items. Your life is still going to go on so distance yourself from the things you used with your ex. It will work wonders for you.
7. Give yourself time to heal. You don't need to rush into a new relationship until your ready. Advice given to me as I was going through my divorce was to "clear the decks emotionally." Superb advice, you don't need to rebound till its right for you.
8. Eliminate any negative self-talk. It's easy to feel sorry for yourself after a break up. It can help you only for a very short while at the beginning. If you keep talking yourself down then you'll find it harder to move on when the time is right for you.
9. Take charge of your life again. Make goals. Set yourself challenges. Maybe you always wanted to abseil or jump from a plane. Maybe learning yoga could be right for you. The world is your oyster.
10. Take comfort in the fact that it does get better each day. Say to yourself every day in every way I'm getting better and better and better. It's true and most people who have been divorced will tell you that suddenly one day you realise that the rest of your life can easily be the best of your life.
About The Author
John Hooper has been through a divorce and has since become an authorised, fully trained and certified counsellor. His advice has helped many hundreds of individuals and couples get over difficult times in their lives. John advice is simple to understand and implement. John is an author and writes for the popular relationship advice web site
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
What to Do When Nobody Likes You
Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, other people still don't like you? Learn what you can do to make friends when it seems as if people don't like you.
Have you been trying hard to make friends with no good results to show for all of your efforts?
If it seems that you have been trying hard to make friends, but that other people still don't want to be your friend, you may have come to the conclusion that there's something wrong with you. That maybe you are basically unlikeable.
Many of us go through such torment of self doubt, especially during our teenage years, when teens are often the victims of vicious bullying from their peers for no reason at all.
If you feel as if the people you are trying to befriend don't like you, the first thing you must do is to ask yourself: Do you have any real evidence that others don't like you?
Or are you just imagining the worst because you are always very harsh with yourself?
People who have low self-esteem, or who are suffering from depression, are often convinced that others don't like them, even when there is no evidence for their negative belief. People who have a poor self image can be surrounded by others who like them, care about them, and enjoy their company; yet because these people don't believe they are worthy of being liked, they are convinced that no one else likes them either.
So, if you are feeling as if nobody likes you, try to find out if there is some real evidence that others don't like you, or whether you are just being very negative in your opinion of yourself.
On the other hand, there are times when it's not just your imagination that others don't like you. It might be really true that most of the people you meet are consistently rejecting you, even when you make social overtures and try to be as friendly to them as possible.
There are many reasons this can happen.
You may have moved to a society where the people are very tight knit with each other, and they dont open up to newcomers easily.
You might be surrounded by people who automatically dislike people of your particular religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation, skin color, or bodily appearance.
You may be surrounded by people who reject you because the clothes you wear are not the latest and most expensive fashion.
In high school years in particular, many teens are strongly conformist, and can be very cruel to those who seem to be different from the norm. Sadly, some people never grow out of the stage of judging others for trivial and superficial reasons.
If you are really are being rejected by others, it is important that you don't make the situation worse by attacking yourself.
This will only make you feel worse, and will make you lose confidence in approaching new people in the future.
Saying negative things to yourself could start you on a downward spiral of self-doubt and self-hatred. Or you might turn your anger outwards in a spirit of bitterness and revenge towards other people. This is not a solution that will win you friends or peace of mind.
It's also important to take a good, hard look at yourself and the way that you interact with other people. There may be specific behaviors that are causing others to dislike you, and these are behaviors which you can change.
Ask yourself the questions on this checklist. If it looks as if any of these behaviors are a problem for you, it's very likely that if you change this behavior, that other people will like you better.
Are you always very negative and complaining all the time? Most people find this habit very annoying.
Do you actively participate in conversations with others? Or do you hold back and let other people do all the work in making conversation. If so, learn to improve your conversational skills so that talking with you is an experience that others look forward to.
Do you endlessly talk about yourself and show little interest in the people you are talking with? Other people will become bored with you very quickly if you seem only interested in yourself.
Do you try too hard to please others, always agreeing with everything that they say, and never having any opinions of your own? People won't respect you if you don't respect yourself.
Do you often say things that hurt the feelings of others and then say it was just a joke? Do you say mean things behind other people's backs? No one will trust you if they think that you are basically an unkind person.
If you want to make other people your friends, it's very important that you don't give up on trying. Keep approaching people, keep trying to make conversation. Get rid of your bad social habits if they are getting in the way of friendship.
If you are being given the cold shoulder by many of the people you encounter, particularly in your school or workplace, keep looking elsewhere for people you can confide in and befriend. You can try in your church, in your community, and in your own family.
Work on developing the talents and good qualities within yourself so that you can appeal in a new way to other people with whom you will have more in common. Continue to actively search out other people who will like you and accept you.
Don't give up trying. Keep working at learning how to make friendly conversation and you will eventually make friends with people who truly like you.
About The Author
This article was written by friendship expert Royane Real. Do you want to learn how to use everyday conversation to turn more people into friends? Get her special report "Your Guide to Making Friendly Conversation" today at
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How to Deal with Rejection from Women
Are women actually interested in you when they first see
you? Or is it that they are interested in what they are
seeing as a reflection of their own ideals and expectations?
And what about when women reject you or don't even give you
a chance? Has this hurt you before even though other guys
will tell you not to take it personally or to just 'keep on
approaching and you'll get over it'?
Well I'm going to help you deal with this 'rejection' and
set it more straight right now (for free).
What's really going on are many different things and on
different levels.
I want you to be able to differentiate a woman's response to
you so that you can understand it so that it doesn't hurt
you or even affect you but rather that you can learn what
hasn't been working and take advantage of what does work.
When a woman sees you for the first time, she is
extrapolating every little detail about you to determine
whether you might be a fit for her.
These usually accurate judgments she is making off of the
smallest details about you will help protect her or open you
up to having a chance with her.
In the future I will get deeply into getting yourself to the
point where you are communicating that you are everything
she could want even if you don't have the best looks or
money, age, etc.
But for now, this data that she is judging off of you is
either working for you or against you. You may have had
women blow you off or flat out reject you after you
approached and started talking or they never even gave you a
chance before you approached.
Is this something you should take personally?
I don't want to give you a shallow answer, I want to give
you the MEANING behind it; the schematics and reasoning so
bear with me and it will be worth it.
Does a woman even know you when they she first sees you?
Then how can you possibly accept any kind of rejection?
Just because you approached her and she rejected you does
not mean that you have a low character or are undesirable.
Does it?
Here's the bad news; some of the readers on this list may
actually have a low character and the women ARE judging
accurately (albeit without knowing more b/c they feel they
don't need or want to find out more).
This can all be changed so that any man can not only more
accurately portray more of what she is attracted to but
actually BE that man in congruity.
The primary key is for him to get in touch with his own
natural/ universal character and stop relying so much on
his limited independent or social character.
The rest of the guys probably do have a higher independent
or social character but just aren't being themselves when
they approach a woman. They're using a pick-up persona or
player front or they're just being a nice guy (overly nice
and not their true self).
Otherwise they're just not in touch with their
natural/universal character in order to spark attraction
Too many guys these days (and it's being taught) are
focusing on the social and even independent (I'm a nice guy)
parts of their character when it comes to attracting women.
This sets a man up for rejection because these two areas are
the least important and are what women respond to the least
when it comes to attraction and her wanting you; it's just really
hard to see through it when women have become the rulers of
the social 'matrix'.
Natural order is flipped around in our social behaviour patterns
so you just have to see through all of the social influence and
deal with her biology; the one thing that doesn't change and is
what is the essence of what she desires that (healthy) men
would realize.
So if you are focusing on your social 'pick up game' you're
going to have to get real good at it and then because of
your high character, the charts work in reverse so that
eventually she may feel a spark of attraction. In other
You have to talk her into it and let her realize that you
are a man of high character.
This takes longer because you started on the wrong end of
the character continuum in your communication and portrayal
of yourself to her.
Like I said it also sets you up for failure because you have
to get all of the words just right and her temperance is
Hopefully this will help you understand why men are
rejected more and perhaps yourself in the past sometimes.
Understanding it is key to putting it in it's place and then
changing to do the more effective things.
When you are a man of high natural/universal character and
communicate this with your body language (often enough
alone), the universal/natural part of the woman knows to
respond to you and you don't have to use words.
She is prewired to know how to respond and be attracted to a
man that has a strong connection to his universal/natural
(which used to be almost all men but people were more
localized then).
Today, very few men are in full touch with this and those
that are, are the guys that are scoring the most with women.
It's that simple.
When you can get in touch with the natural/universal power
that is greater than you (and is your inheritance) you can have
that power to create attraction (naturally) and make it a part of
your own character...add it to your game and it will make ALL
the difference.
You won't even have to deal with rejection anymore because
you'll be able to read and communicate with women on the
nonverbal level (the unspoken), that which was formerly
So back to the rejection issue...when a woman sees you and
you aren't effectively communicating that you are a man of high
character (either incongruently or because you just aren't
there yet), she most likely won't give you a chance.
The key is to understand where you are on the character
If you ARE a great (nice) guy, then remember that she is
just judging her initial impression of you. You may have a
high independent character and be a great guy so just
separate that from the fact that you were currently LOW on
the natural/ universal part of your character and that is
the part she was disapproving of, not YOU.
So don't take it personally. When you do develop a high
character across the charts not only will you never have to
deal with rejection again but when you play it by certain
rules (your rules) SHE will be the one who is rejected or
disqualifying herself to you and you will have the power by
You will always have the last word.
All you really have to have even if you have a low
independent and social character/status is a strong
connection to your natural ability (esp. if you aren't good
looking, poor or are much older).
So if you've been focusing on the social character and using
techniques and pick-up lines to develop your character to be
able to pick a woman up...just consider working on your
natural/ universal character instead; it's what matters so
much that a woman will HELP you pick her up by giving the
right signals when you do have a high character. You won't
even need pick up lines then.
In fact it's not until recently that we actually had pick up
lines or a need to study this. You just have to
differentiate the forced reality from the natural, timeless
reality of attraction and female response and separate out
all of what doesn't matter (such as her fickle independent
character when it comes to attraction and don't deal with
Prevent rejection and isolate the possibility of it by
understanding the model magnet system and charts. She
isn't rejecting you, she's just placing a perception onto you
and judging you initially to see if you meet her expectational
I like to say;
She can't sleep with a man of low (m.m.) character just as
much as you can't sleep with an ugly, fat chick.
And if you've taken one for the home team, that's about as
often as she slept with a man of low character (despite his
So make sure that you not only communicate the right things
but BE the man of the highest character that you can.
It's more important than your social character/status or
your own inner game and personality, it's about your
connection to the universal power of masculinity and secure
inner strength.
The feminine energy in her will rule over her fickle
independent behavior and her body just may not be able to
resist. This can all happen within a few seconds of her
seeing you.
At this point women will be approaching you like crazy and
throwing out all kinds of signs because this kind of man who
is in touch is so rare these days. The works already cut
out for you.
What would it be worth for you to turn the tables, never get
rejected and live that kind of lifestyle with women no
MATTER your looks, age, income or social status?
It's not a trick. It's real. And it's every man's
inheritance but he has to embrace and accept it. I am the
messenger because this power is greater than the greatest of
any man in history's own independent character.
You don't have to be a superstar pick up character, you just
have to be a man of (natural) character and you'll be able
to catch women's interest just by walking in the room.
And when you're already spurring attraction in her and she
can trust you by your body language, there's less of a
chance you'll get rejected anyways.
And if you're living in a dominant reality where she is attracted
to you and wants to be plus take the natural approach you can
prevent rejection entirely.
Rion Williams is the celebrated author of 'Mens Guide
to Women' and is the first person to quantify and put
in writing 'what women want'. His free newsletter and
downloadable attraction philosophy eBook can be found
Identification Of Role For Proteins In Children's Muscle Disease Could Open Up New Treatment Options (Science Daily)A study presented by researcher Elisabeth Elst shows for the first time that a protein -- heat shock protein 60 (HSP60) -- that is present in chronic inflammations, triggers a response by T-cells (a type of white blood cells that plays a part in the body's own immune response) in children with juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM).
KSU march turns violent (Kaumundi Online)Several policemen and pro-Congress Kerala Students Union members were injured when the Union's state-wide protest marches against the LDF government's Education Policy, turned violent at different places, police said here.
1941: year of the truth (Russian Information Agency Novosti)MOSCOW. (Valentin Falin, Professor of History, for RIA Novosti) - June 22, 1941 came down in modern Russian history as its most tragic day.